Of course, these aren't ALL the pictures. There are plenty more in the link below. And I apologize that these pictures are in the wrong order but ever since I downloaded the latest version of Internet Explorer, I'm unable to drag pictures anymore. Oh well.
Credits to http://sydneyboomboom.com/ (more pictures on his website!!)
I've gotten a few questions regarding the fashion show I did so I decided to answer them on this post. (:
1.) How long did it take you to do make-up on all the girls?
• About 7 to 8 hours!! I believe I started on the first girl around 11AM and the show didn't start until 7. I was finished around 6:30PM. Not a lot of breaks were taken either.
2.) How did you match foundations with the different girls?
• Some of the ladies had brought their own foundation, so either I applied it for them, or they already had it on. I did do touch ups on concealer as well. Those who didn't bring any, I brought different shades of MAC & drugstore foundations and just went with what I felt best matched their skintone.
3.) Did you get paid for doing their makeup?
• Yes.
4.) How many girls did you do make-up for?
• 20 girls.